Try these powerful Tips for Becoming a Powerful Wife
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If you’re married, then you already know that being part of a couple can be fun and fulfilling, but it can also be challenging. Sharing your life with another person means that you have to think about what’s best for both of you — not just what’s good for you individually — and the more you can consider the other person’s feelings and interests, the stronger your relationship will become. If you’re trying to learn how to become a powerful wife, these Eleven tips will help you along the way!
1) Take pride in your marriage and Protect your marriage
The first step to being a powerful wife is to take pride in your marriage. This doesn’t mean you don’t have problems. It just means that you have committed yourself to working through those problems and making your marriage work. As tough as it may be, put down that ice cream and stop binge-watching The Bachelor when things are difficult. Instead, talk about it with your spouse. Sometimes these conversations can be emotional or uncomfortable but they will help strengthen your bond together as a couple and make you feel like more of a powerful wife rather than less of one.
2) Prioritize your family above all else
One of the most important parts of being a powerful wife is making sure your family comes first. Though it might sound like antiquated advice, having an understanding of your role as a wife and mother comes down to prioritizing your family above all else. Your husband needs you to be there when he returns home from work; you need to be sure he’s getting enough sleep and that he’s taken care of himself during his day. Without doing these things, no amount of power will matter at all. However, if you’re able to put your family first in these ways, then each decision that you make will be with them in mind—and that is how a powerful wife becomes powerful.
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3) Look out for your husband's best interests
When you're married, it's important to look out for your husband. Rather than being focused on yourself, take an interest in what your husband is interested in. The more you can understand what he likes and dislike, it will be easier to get along and make him happy. One way to show that you care about him is by looking out for his best interests. For example, if he doesn't like spaghetti with meat sauce one night, just let it go instead of making him eat something he doesn't want (it may seem trivial now but once you get older it makes a difference). It's tough when two people are trying to live together but sometimes self-sacrifice is necessary if your relationship is going to work long term.
4) Support your husband
The purpose of marriage is to make husband and wife one flesh. When you're married, it's your job to help your husband become as successful as possible. In order to do that, you'll need to support him in any way possible. If you are constantly being negative or sarcastic about his goals and dreams, how can he be successful? Be sure to encourage him by letting him know what it is you admire about him and how those qualities will bring success. Let go of anything from your past or other relationships that hold you back from having a powerful relationship with your spouse.
5) Communicate effectively
If you want to be an effective, powerful wife, you must have good communication skills. When you're running a household or spending time with your family, it's important to let your spouse know what's going on in your head. You don't have to talk about every single thought that crosses your mind, but make sure he has some idea of how you're feeling. If there are things that bother you, talk to him about them instead of bottling up anger and resentment. Not only will it help resolve any issues that come up in your marriage but it will also allow him to more effectively do his job as husband and father. And most kind!
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6) Stay flexible and positive, even when it's hard.
If you want to be powerful, you have to understand that one of your greatest strengths will also be your greatest weakness. Every woman—wife or not—has an innate need to please others, but being so focused on external validation can lead to a life of missed opportunities and compromises. You don't have to be yes-girl (think Jenna Maroney in 30 Rock) about everything. But staying flexible and positive when it's hard—and being okay with disappointing people every once in awhile—is an important skill every successful leader needs to master. It might take time, but keep working on it!
7) Be his rock
Men need someone to be their rock. They need someone to help them get through life and support them when things don’t go well. It’s so important that you become his rock and support him in every way possible. That doesn’t mean you should hold him back or do everything for him, but it does mean that when he needs your help, he can count on you to be there—no matter what. In return, your man will start being your rock and supporting you when life gets tough—and make no mistake about it, sometimes life gets very tough! It takes both sides working together as a team to create that strong bond between husband and wife. But when it works, it really works!
8) Take initiative
One of the reasons women are less powerful than men is that they don’t take enough initiative in their marriages. When you stop waiting around for your husband to make decisions, you’ll be amazed at how much easier it is to control your life. Instead of sitting and wishing things would change, go out and do what needs to be done—even if your husband doesn’t immediately jump on board. It will force him to recognize what needs to be changed and he might even become inspired to work with you! In short, be proactive rather than reactive in your marriage; you'll find that working together becomes easier.
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9) Give lots of positive feedback
Praise is powerful. Your partner feels your love, and you feel closer to each other. If your husband knows that he has made you happy, it can make him happier to know that he’s doing something right. It also gives him an opportunity to hear what makes you tick: what you like, how things make you feel, and how he can do more of those things in the future. Whether it’s telling him that his new shirt makes him look handsome or making a specific request (like asking for more hugs), expressing your appreciation will benefit both of you.
10) Do what you say you'll do. Always.
It’s important to remember that even if your husband knows what he wants in life, he still needs you to guide him. A powerful wife has no problem communicating her own expectations, and then following through on them. That means doing what you say you’ll do, showing up when expected and not letting excuses get in your way. It also means never promising something if you know you won’t be able to deliver it. When your husband expects less from you than he should or needs, it becomes harder for him to have faith in your decisions and recommendations going forward. If there is one trait a woman should aspire to have in her marriage , it’s reliability—and being able to say no when needed is an essential part of that package!
11) Try not to compare yourself with others
No one has your skills or weaknesses, and while we can all learn from each other, it’s important to accept your strengths as well as weaknesses. Only then can you truly excel and reach your potential. There is no point in comparing yourself with others because only you know what type of person you want to be and how to achieve that. Comparing yourself with others will make you unhappy, so instead of thinking about what others have that you don’t have try to think about how they can help support you. Don’t compare your achievements with others because success is not easy and it doesn’t come overnight; everybody goes through problems but only wise people find solutions.
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