Do you know these 10 secrets about men?

10 Secrets About Men Every Woman Should Know

Men are a lot more similar to each other than they might seem at first glance, and there are certain things that the men in our lives all want from us, whether we realize it or not. Here are ten secrets about men every woman should know, no matter what type of man you’re dating or how long you’ve been with him. If you want to take your relationship to the next level, check out these insider tips on how to give your man what he wants while also getting exactly what you need.

1. All men are afraid of commitment

This is a very easy way to start off our list. Don’t take it personally if your boyfriend never seems to want to make a real commitment. While many men will often say they want to be with one woman, there are some things that hold them back from making a real commitment. What can you do? Try not to let it bother you when he won’t commit, especially in your early dating years, and focus on having fun instead of spending time trying to change his mind. The best thing you can do is accept that he probably isn’t ready for a committed relationship yet and just be friends with him until he is ready.

2. They love learning new things about you

They love to know your favorite colors, movies, artists; all kinds of stuff. They love it because it’s like you’re opening a gift on Christmas morning and are so excited about it that you can’t even wait to open all of them. This is exactly how they feel when they learn new things about you. They get all giddy inside, just wanting to keep learning more and more about you. One reason men love discovering new things about you is because it makes them feel needed. It makes them feel that no matter what happens in their lives or what happens to them, as long as they have you in their life, everything will be okay... And guys never want to lose that feeling with anyone ever.

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3. They like holding hands, cuddling and hugging too

Like it or not, men have feelings too. It’s not just women who enjoy cuddling, many men are naturally affectionate. They’re capable of love and affection just like women are, so if you want to keep your man happy and content, be sure to treat him with respect and kindness. They also like holding hands, but that doesn’t mean you can expect them to hold your hand all day (unless you have a really handsome husband!). It means that if he wants to hold your hand he will...but don’t make it seem like it’s a chore for him. Some things are chore-ish. That said, most guys love to do them for their woman. if you pay attention to small things—like holding hands in public—that will make your man feel loved and appreciated. Yes, he might even get a little teary-eyed sometimes when you do these little things for him! 

4. They don’t need 8 hours of sleep every night

No one really knows why, but men seem to be able to get by on less sleep than women. It’s a biological fact. While most adult women need at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night, you’ll rarely find a man who needs more than 6. That being said, it is crucial that you talk about your sleep schedule with your partner. You can also work out a schedule where you each get some time to yourself and then a little bit of couple time as well—make sure that it’s all clearly defined or else there will be unnecessary fights and stress over things like whose turn it is to use Netflix or go on Facebook.

5. They love it when you take charge in bed

Your boyfriend will love it when you take charge in bed. He wants to feel like he's in control, but he also doesn't want to do all of the work. If you assert yourself a little bit more, you'll be surprised at how much more comfortable and happy he is with his performance. Just remember that there are definitely things that you shouldn't do as a woman because they're counterproductive: don't smother him with rough, over-enthusiastic kisses; let him take off your b-r*a before you lift your shirt; and never fake an o-r-ga-s-m. Read on for more secrets about men every woman should know...

6. They are not afraid of asking for directions

One of my male friends once said, If I’m driving on a road trip and I don’t know where I am going, then I have a very hard time finding it. He knows that he will find what he is looking for faster if he asks for help. Most men are not afraid to ask for directions or accept help when they need it. A good man is also honest enough to let you know if he doesn’t know how to do something, but offers to figure it out with you. One thing to remember, though: Guys who can't admit they don't know how to do something or say I don't know aren't worth your time.

7. They like compliments

Though men aren’t as big on compliments as women, they love to receive them. Even a compliment about something they didn’t do well can feel good and make them feel more confident. Women often complain that their significant others don’t give them enough compliments. Make it a point to let your man know how awesome he is from time to time, and you may notice him getting up his nerve to tell you how great you are too! You could start by saying I love your blue eyes, or I had fun last night; I like being with you! Then wait for him to respond with a compliment of his own before having s-e-x!

8. If you love him, show it. Don’t assume he knows!

Of course, we all want to be loved and appreciated by those around us. And men are no different in that regard. However, most men don’t wear their hearts on their sleeves (nor should they). Because of that, it can be difficult for a man to know how you really feel about him or your relationship. If you love him—and he does something that makes you happy—don’t hesitate to let him know how much it means to you!

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9. they don’t talk about relationships as much as you think they do

You may think you know your man inside and out, but that’s likely not true. As it turns out, men aren’t as vocal about their relationships as you think they are—in fact, a study from Ohio State University found that guys only have about five minutes of conversation about their relationship on any given day. So if you’re waiting for him to start up a dialogue about how he feels or how his week went, guess again—it probably won’t happen (and even if it does, he might not tell you everything). they aren’t as romantic as you think, but they are very practical in many ways. For example, a man will see spending hours writing a love letter to you as an inefficient use of his time. I once asked my boyfriend why he hadn’t given me a hug for an entire week, and he said it was because we were busy. He didn’t seem to understand that I would have liked some attention from him. It is important for women to understand men aren’t always romantics like us. Remember that you may need to draw him out of his shell instead of waiting for him to come out on his own.

10. Guys are sensitive too, ya know

Once you’ve been dating for a while, it can be easy to forget that your guy is actually an emotional person. In fact, guys tend to keep those emotions under wraps—much more so than women. But don’t assume he doesn’t feel vulnerable sometimes, or that he isn’t happy when you tell him how cute he looks in his new shirt. It might just be hard for him to show it! Guys are sensitive too, ya know: Once you’ve been dating for a while, it can be easy to forget that your guy is actually an emotional person. In fact, guys tend to keep those emotions under wraps—much more so than women.


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