What we know about powerful women

What we know about powerful women

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

What do powerful women have in common? Do they always go to the gym to stay fit? What should you do if you want to become like them? Most importantly, what are their qualities? Powerful women should be able to show who they are and believe in themselves even if people don’t agree with them. They should also have an open mind because it will help them learn new things and adapt to new situations without being afraid of challenges that appear along the way. Lastly, it’s important to remember that everyone has the potential to become powerful, but only those who try will get it.

Stop comparing yourself

Women often see qualities they don’t possess as reasons why they don’t advance. For example, if you lack a degree in engineering, it might seem to follow that you can’t be an engineer. But here’s what you may not realize: Studies show that there is no relationship between performance and education. In other words, your degree doesn't determine your ability to perform at work. So stop making comparisons—you are what you prove yourself to be, period! And even if all of your friends have degrees and are advancing into management positions quickly, remember: There is no single path for everyone . Everyone has different interests and strengths, which can lead to very different career paths—and outcomes.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Powerful people seek input and ideas from others. And they’re proactive at asking for help and soliciting other’s opinions. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, solicit feedback, or share your ideas with someone else. Some of the most successful people in history were also some of the most good because they weren’t afraid to reach out and help someone else succeed in what they themselves were doing too.

Photo by Samantha Garrote from Pexels

Believe in yourself

Self-confidence is undeniably a necessary quality in any powerful woman. It’s true that self-confidence can seem like a tall order for some, but it can be achieved through hard work and positive affirmations. There are many ways to boost your self-esteem: keep a journal of achievements; read books on personal development; set realistic goals and track your progress towards them; spend time with friends who make you feel good about yourself; don’t compare yourself to others, but focus on being better than yesterday (don’t forget to celebrate victories); surround yourself with people who believe in you, too.

Balance your life with family, friends, and work

The demands of work and family life can be difficult to manage. But creating a solid balance between your professional and personal life is an important aspect of being a successful and influential person in society. Make time for your friends, family, and interests outside of work to keep yourself fresh, motivated, and happy. Be willing to put yourself out there—and take a little risk! Good things happen when you’re passionate and enthusiastic. Do what makes you happy - don’t let following rules or being normal get in your way! Speak up for what you believe in: Have strong opinions? An influential woman will stand up for her values, beliefs, ideals and actions.

Failure is okay as long as you learn from it

All successful people have had failures in their past. In fact, according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than half of small businesses fail within their first five years of operation. While it’s easy to think that success and failure are black and white, there is a ton of gray area in between; that area is where you learn from your mistakes before moving on to bigger and better things. So don’t worry if you fall short; just learn from it and move on! As Maya Angelou once said: If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Choose your words wisely

As you pursue your career goals, stay mindful of your language. It can be easy to slip into gender stereotypes when speaking, which is why it’s important to take stock of how you sound and ask friends to help you make sure that you don’t come across as masculine or feminine. Women tend to use more qualifiers—words like maybe, just, and kind of—while men are more likely to use words that show power over others—like will, must, and should. We now know through research that these words in particular impact listeners' perceptions about a speaker's expertise and credibility.

Know when to let go and move on

Everyone makes mistakes. Even successful people mess up from time to time. If a woman is truly working hard to move forward and make something of herself, it’s important to know when to apologize for her mistakes and move on instead of continually dragging those mistakes into every conversation. Women should never be afraid to admit when they’re wrong, but a woman who is intelligent enough to acknowledge that she has faults has a sense of self-awareness that goes beyond simple pride or arrogance. This quality is what separates mature women from just plain narcissists—and should never be taken lightly. Showing humility by admitting you were wrong shows strength, not weakness or embarrassment.

Don’t let others define who you are

The truth is, if someone doesn’t like you it’s likely because they don’t know you well enough to appreciate who you are and what makes you tick. Trying to change yourself for others is a waste of time, and others will judge us based on their own misconceptions rather than on reality, Hines says. Instead, be authentic and true to who you are. If a group of people regularly don't approve of your actions or opinions, Hines recommends taking a step back and re-evaluating that relationship. You're better off without toxic relationships in your life.

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