10 Things Mentally Strong Women Don't Do

10 Things Mentally Strong Women Don't Do

Being mentally strong takes work, but there are plenty of things that mentally strong women don’t do that can help you stay on track as you try to become stronger yourself. In fact, there are a number of small habits and practices that, when done together, create a recipe for mental strength. Although they may seem insignificant on their own, these ten tips can help you be more resilient in the face of failure and stress, less prone to self-doubt, and more willing to adapt to new circumstances than ever before.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

1) They don't dwell on the past

The past is gone, and dwelling on it only makes you unhappy. We can’t change what happened in our past. Instead of focusing on things that you did or didn’t do in your past, focus on where you are now and what will happen in your future. Take control of today and tomorrow by moving forward with confidence and leaving yesterday behind. You deserve to be happy! Focus on positives: It's easy to think of all the things we would like to change about ourselves, but it's much harder to actually make those changes.

2) They expect better for themselves

Insecure people generally see themselves as victims. They’re quick to make excuses for their shortcomings and failures, blaming everyone but themselves for their problems. Self-improvement is an important part of being mentally strong, which means that you don’t stay stagnant but instead look for ways to better yourself everyday. Keep a list of things you want to improve on or accomplish and hold yourself accountable—even if no one else will. It’s often through our failures that we are able to learn how to get better at anything. If you expect more from yourself, then you will be more likely to actually do something about it if you fail instead of staying stagnant in your comfort zone.

3) They don't give up, no matter what life throws at them

While there's no denying that some days are tougher than others, mentally strong women don't let life get them down. They know they're bigger than their problems and focus on how to solve their current situation. When they fall down, they get right back up. When it's hard to see a way out of a problem, mentally strong women won't give up until they find one (or more).

Photo by Marcus Aurelius from Pexels

4) They know when to let go of toxic relationships

Some women seem to attract mean and hurtful people into their lives. There are some people who naturally make you feel down about yourself. This could be a family member, co-worker or friend. Instead of wasting time on them, mentally strong women realize that energy is more valuable than money and move on from relationships like these as soon as possible.

5) They value their health over being thin

Many women aren’t strong because they’re busy starving themselves, but rather because they know they can’t take care of anyone or anything else if they don’t take care of themselves first. They also understand that value systems are more important than appearance. In other words, when you feel bad physically and mentally, it's hard to take on challenges; after all, how can you tackle a problem if you can barely manage yourself? It takes a strong woman to prioritize self-care above weight loss goals and to realize that looks aren't worth sacrificing your mental health for.

6) They forgive themselves

You've all heard it before. The importance of forgiving yourself when you make a mistake or screw up. These women know that self-forgiveness is important because of how it affects them mentally and emotionally. They won't beat themselves up for things they can't change, but instead will move on from it as quickly as possible so they don't feel weighed down by their regrets. If you tend to hold onto guilt and dwell on mistakes, learn to forgive yourself and your mental strength will be noticeably strengthened. Once you are comfortable with your own forgiveness and ability to let go of guilt, you'll be more in tune with making better decisions when faced with difficult situations again in the future.

Photo by Nicolas Postiglioni from Pexels

7) They find ways to build their confidence

Strength comes from feeling confident in your abilities, and women who are mentally strong know that doing things that help you feel more confident is a great way to build up your mental strength. That’s why they don’t participate in self-defeating behaviors like putting themselves down, refusing to ask for help when they need it, or making excuses for why they can’t achieve their goals. Instead, mentally strong women seek out opportunities to stretch themselves and learn new skills. When you surround yourself with people who believe in you and treat you with respect—and listen when you feel down—it makes it much easier to believe in yourself too. They confront problems head on: A big part of mental strength is being able to face your problems without sugarcoating them.

8) They accept themselves as they are

Mentally strong women don’t beat themselves up when they’re not meeting an expectation or living up to someone else’s standard. The key to being happy with yourself is to accept and embrace your strengths, as well as your weaknesses. For example, if you’re a thoughtful person but you struggle with overcoming your fears, there’s nothing wrong with that. No one can be good at everything all of the time, and mentally strong women don’t try to be. They have a realistic understanding of their weaknesses without letting them define them. This perspective will help you feel comfortable in your own skin and more confident in who you are as a person—which is really what it means to be mentally strong.

Photo by Julia Avamotive from Pexels

9) They have good boundaries with others

Boundaries are essential to self-care. Not only do they protect us from being taken advantage of, but they give us a sense of control over our time and space. Having well-defined boundaries is an indication that we feel safe in our own skin, which reduces anxiety and boosts confidence. No one's saying it's easy to say no—to your boss or your friends—but mentally strong women know that setting firm boundaries is important for their wellbeing. Remember: We don't owe anyone anything in life; if someone gives you a hard time about something, it's always okay to tell them why you made your decision. It may not be easy at first, but making it a habit will keep you from feeling trapped by other people's opinions or requests.

10) Their happiness doesn’t depend on others

No one has control over your happiness but you. Sometimes people in our lives will make us happy, and other times they won’t. Other times, it’s we who choose to make ourselves happy. It’s hard not to be affected by what others say or do – especially when it’s something you don’t want to hear – but mentally strong women don’t let those comments affect their happiness level. They have a positive outlook on life no matter what's going on around them or with them because they realize they always have control over their reactions and emotions. They're adaptable: If everything is going according to plan, mentally strong women know that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement.

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