10 things about being a woman that make it so much better than being a man

10 things about being a woman that make it so much better than being a man

Photo by Tim Douglas from Pexels

As some of you may know, I’m a woman and love being one, so when my friend asked me to write this article about what’s better about being a woman than being a man, I was happy to oblige. So here are ten things about being a woman that make it so much better than being a man! Of course, the best thing about being a woman is finding out you’re pregnant, and I didn’t mention it because this article would be twice as long! I hope you enjoy!

1) We don’t have to worry about facial hair

There’s nothing worse than an accidental 5 o’clock shadow. Women can get to leave their facial hair at home. And we don’t have to worry about other people worrying or thinking our faces are unkempt because of it. We also don’t have to invest in electrolysis, either, which could cost us thousands of dollars over time. Without any additional maintenance costs for shaving, waxing, or electrolysis fees, women really do save more money when it comes to facial hair.

2) No one expects us to be tough

This is an incredible freedom. We can cry at movies, sing to our hearts’ content in the car and dance around our kitchens in our underwear. Life is too short to hold back, suppress or repress who we are – and many women have decided to embrace their quirks wholeheartedly. We have choices: In recent decades, there’s been a groundswell of support for women in all areas of life: education, business, relationships and more. As we become more empowered as individuals and as part of a greater collective, no one can force us to do something we don’t want to do – or help us do something we really want to do!

Photo by Matthias Cooper from Pexels

3) We can talk about our feelings more openly

While men might think they’re manly because they don’t talk about their feelings, we actually do feel happier when we express our emotions—and even more connected to those around us. In fact, one study found that women are more likely to connect with others and seek help if they show concern and sympathy. The benefits of strong social ties have been linked to lower rates of depression and anxiety, among other things. So remember: sharing your thoughts (positive or negative) can only strengthen your bond with your friends and family members.

4) You don’t have to apologize for crying

In male culture, crying is seen as a sign of weakness. In female culture, crying is seen as a sign of strength. To many women, both in and out of your life, crying when you’re sad or happy or overwhelmed isn’t something to be ashamed of — it’s proof that you have empathy and compassion for others and yourself. Being free to cry doesn’t mean there aren’t moments when holding back tears can help you save face (and sometimes stop an argument), but in day-to-day life women are encouraged to embrace their emotions with confidence rather than hide them away like their male counterparts might do.

5) Everyone likes us, even men

In general, people are nice to women. Studies show that men are more attracted to women, not men. They let us go ahead of them in line and hold open doors for us. In fact, one study found that men who were looking at pictures of attractive women took longer to identify guns as weapons than did men who were looking at pictures of houses or cars — meaning that many men are unconsciously more interested in looking at pretty girls (or maybe just being around them) than they are interested in danger. So if you ever feel like you’re taking too long checking out an appealing item, know that you have time — men have no incentive to rush your process. And some male shoppers might even be hoping you take some extra time (but please don’t take advantage). 

Photo by Ibraim Leonardo from Pexels

6) We can be thin and sexy no matter what we weigh

There’s a lot of pressure on women to look amazing, but most men are happy with any body that doesn’t put food in front of them. While many women feel like they have to be thin, men often find their ideal partner at whatever size she is when they meet her. If you feel under pressure to lose weight, remind yourself of how attractive you are and what an attractive male will love about you (and your body) regardless of how skinny or fat you happen to be. If your partner is ever pressuring you for weight loss, remember just how blessed you are in being able to choose who does and doesn’t love your body.

7) We get the cool clothes and shoes made just for us

Women’s clothing is made to flatter our curves, while men’s clothing is just straight up boring. There are plenty of women who don’t want to wear dresses or skirts and would rather rock some athletic gear—but most companies aren’t interested in producing clothes for women like that. That means we have more choice in style and can find comfortable shoes for all types of events! Women also have better variety when it comes to shoe size, meaning it's not uncommon for us to share a pair of shoes with friends or buy multiple pairs at once if they're really on sale. And hey, how many times have you bought men's sneakers? Exactly.

8) We live longer than men

The US Census Bureau estimates that girls born in 2009 will live to be 81 years old. Men? 76. That’s five years—and a lot of memories—that you get to spend with your friends and family, simply because you are female. That’s pretty awesome when you think about it! What do women miss out on by living longer?

Photo by Kampus Production from Pexels

9) Society treats us with respect because we are women

When we go out to dinner, or when we ask for directions, or even when we ask questions at work (which is most of our day), men almost always treat us with respect. I don’t know if you’ve ever walked through life as a man, but let me tell you — society doesn’t treat men with very much respect. Society looks up to us: While women can be vain and catty (I’m one too), on average women live longer, have less stress in their life, and are overall happier. This is because society values feminine traits in people and treats them more favorably than masculine ones. Men tell us how beautiful we are: When was the last time you heard anyone tell another man he’s handsome?

10) Men are better at math but they still think we are smarter than them.

Women are simply more intelligent. In fact, they have larger brains. If we had to guess why women aren’t good at math, we would say it has something to do with our emotional intelligence. Some studies have shown that because women are more emotional creatures, we think differently and process information in a more complicated way. Math is precise, which doesn’t play well with most women! It also has something to do with confidence; men are just confident in their abilities overall, regardless of what those abilities might be.

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